We describe the installation under Windows, Linux, and OS X. It might work on other operating systems as well, please report and experiences.
If you are upgrading from an older version of MusicMiner and would like to keep your database with song descriptions, audio features, and maps. please delete everything but the db folder and use the same installation path as last time.
- Install a current
Java runtime.
We recommend version 1.5 but it should also work with 1.4.x.
the *.jar installer. If it does not start directly, try double clicking the file.
If it still does not start open a Command Prompt and enter the command:
java -jar musicminer-*-installer.jar
Follow the instructions in the installer.
Start the Databionic MusicMiner from the start menu.
- Install a current
Java runtime.
We recommend version 1.5 but it should also work with 1.4.x.
- Install sox and one or more of mplayer, lame, and mpg123. These tools are included in in most Linux distributions, for Debian Sarge enter the following commands as root:
echo "deb sarge main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update
apt-get install sox mplayer-586 lame mpg123
the *.jar installer and execute with the command:
java -jar musicminer-*-installer.jar
Follow the instructions in the installer.
Add the path to the bin folder of the installation directory to the PATH environment variable.
Start the Databionic MusicMiner with the mminer command.
Mac OS X
- MusicMiner should work with Java 1.4.x (already installed on OS X 10.4.2), however version 1.5 is recommended. After installation add the following lines to your ~/.bash_profile:
export JAVA_HOME
Install the following via the Fink project (comprehensive documentation is to be found at the Fink website. Please ensure that you enable the unstable branch of Fink and compile the latest packages from source where necessary): sox, mpg123, mplayer and xmms (please check the Fink F.A.Q. for help with setting up xmms).
The above step will take some time. On a 1.33Ghz PowerBook, it is recommended to leave Fink running overnight to finish the compilation (an installer containing the above binaries and libraries is under development).
Please install lame from the package found here.
the *.jar installer and double-click to launch.
Follow the instructions in the installer.
After installation add the following lines to your ~/.bash_profile:
export PATH
Launch X11.
Open a new terminal window and start the Databionic MusicMiner with the mminer command.